Androids looking at the Chain of Events

Androids looking at the Chain of Events

We are all connected, we all have a mother, a grand-mother and so on. If we look at the world from a Christian point of view, we all descend from Adam and Eve. From a scientific point of view, we all have the same origin in a single-celled organism that miraculously came into being millions of years ago. We usually perceive our lifetime as very linear, from the time of birth until death. Everything we think, every feeling has been there before. And yet, through our unique connections and interactions with others, through unique temporal and spatial circumstances, we are always creating something new. These circumstances are reflected by blockchain technology, and while each new entry always contains the entire history of all past transactions, there are now also countless L2 side-chains, and even through artworks minted on the blockchain, links are created with human destinies and their entire histories, experiences, and personal connections. At the same time, artificial intelligences manage to pick up all the knowledge of humanity and thus not only imitate and mirror the human way of thinking, but become a new node in the chain of events themselves. Somehow it seems that people prefer to interact with their own creations rather than with their own kind, and it is probably only a matter of time before they merge. Then it may be important to be able to retrace the chain of events, to remember the key experiences that have made us what we are. Although we cannot undo the past, we can learn from the mistakes and create a better reality through new connections on a different level. (The work is build on and contains elements of the previous work in The Chain by BenoitC, that have been modified using glitch algorithms and AI.)